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Oh My, I thought so!

Wow! how could so many have missed this one?

Announcing the arrival & encounters with a different kind:

You have no doubt heard tales of strange looking alien encounters about on our planet Earth, those who obviously come from far-far away galaxies, perhaps even from different dimensions, of late, many earthlings even mimic them in appearance, best they can.

A quick reality check answer is that they have been with us for many years now, and tens of thousands have personally seen them, heard them, interacted with them, and it was obvious that they are very different in appearance from us earthlings, as a examples such as Star Wars characters, Star trek, the guardians of the galaxy, Mario, Geralt, just to mention a few examples, the character list is very long.

Instead of us mere earthlings continually seeking them out, all that is necessary is for one to visit movie theatres, watch marvel movies, play a video game (there are thousands and thousands of them) to select as our new “different” friend, etc., and they will be there at the ready, some are evolving as we watch, think of them as the next true ‘Guardians of the galaxies.


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