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Making Spectacular Wind Chimes

Chimes are also made of materials other than metal or wood and in shapes other than tubes or rods. Many people accept bamboo, stones, horseshoes, mechanics tools, PVC pipe, glass, seashells, old silverware, etc., as chimes. Every material makes a different sound. The sounds these make are not tunable to specific notes and range from pleasant tinkling to dull thuds. The idea seems to be that if it is moved by the wind and makes a noise, it is a wind chime.

  • a cluster of similar objects (metal tubes, seashells, glass pieces, lengths of bamboo, or fragments of pottery) that hang from a central support and tinkle when moved by the wind;

  • a cluster of objects including a clapper suspended from the support that chimes as the breezes blow against a flat plate or wind catcher at the end of the clapper;

  • a bell with a long clapper attached to a wind catcher that plays as the wind strikes the clapper against the bell.

The tone will depend on the material (steel, aluminum, brass, the exact alloy, heat treatment and so on), whether you are using a solid cylinder or a tube, and if a tube, the wall thickness. It may also depend on the hanging method. Novelty wind chimes are made with brass, bronze, copper, or bamboo tubes. In place of tubes, they may make music with suspended shells, clay pottery shapes, die-cut metal pieces, glass, or other tinkling objects. Theirsupports and clappers may be equally diverse. Driftwood, metal shapes, and resin ornaments are among hundreds of available choices. Paint, glue, many varieties of string, and hangers of different styles and materials are used for this school of wind chime design. If you really want to have a tuned wind chime: Technically speaking A uniform bar, tube, will have a "node" at about 22.5% "in from each end". The nodes are where there is no vibration of the material making up the bar. Since there's no vibration at these node points, it's safe to suspend the bar at 22.5% down from the top end without damping the vibrations. Depending on the material you're working with, and the particular application, you can drill a hole straight through the bar, or tie a cord at the right spot, &c. A nice idea, when tuning the bars, is to suspend a bar between, say, two nails using a wound-up elastic band. The elastic can hold the bar (without slipping, if you wind it tight enough) at the node, allowing you to strike it and listen to the pitch. It is very difficult to exactly predict what note a given length of a given material will produce. You have to take into account all sorts of physical properties of the material, which aren't easy to determine. The good news is, once you make one bar, and find out what note it plays, you can accurately predict any other length/pitch for the same material

Enough about the specifics of precision tuned frequencies one can make or purchase a wind chime in just about any size, ranging from tiny to really large. They are great additions to any garden, patio, or porch, unique in, that each one is difference in sound. They require minimal maintenance. You can buy them off the shelf from inexpensive to barely affordable. Wind chimes offer a delightful way to add to the theme of existing decorations and plants. your homemade wind chimes can be especially clever, perhaps using sentimental items, or those off the shelf. This will be your creation; from whatever assorted items you wish to use. Even more enjoyable are homemade wind chimes that offer the added feature being made by you. Wind chimes are simple and fun to make. All it takes is a little bit of carefully thought out planning and initiative. First, what is your choice for the theme of your wind chime. Once chosen, you can go about the business of collecting up your materials. Similar to manufactured wind chimes, homemade wind chimes can be made from a variety of materials. Once you have mastered the art for yourself, you can use a little creativity and ingenuity to create your own. visit your hardware store, or simply go on-line to get some ideas, If you are handy with the drill, instead of attaching eyelet's to the glass chimes , simply drill and directly attached the fish line. Material list: Depending on the style of wind chime that you will be making, you may or may not need all of the listed items. The project is more easily completed if the necessary tools and materials are collected prior to actually beginning your project. Below are suggestions for either a metal, colored glass (acquired at the stained glass supplier) or wood types. But, the sky is the limit, simply use your imagination.

  • Drill (a little variation here, colored glass, metal and wood, will require different drill bits for your drill)

  • Cord or fishing line (20 lb fish line is the best)

  • Hack saw

  • Measuring tape

  • Scissors or wire cutters

  • Scrap lumber, Redwood is great for outdoors.

  • You'll need a wood saw, if you go with wood.

  • Glue (super glue is the best for securing the eyelet's)

  • Picture hanging kit, which includes Eyelet screws (1/8-1/4, depending on the size and weight of the chimes and above support) and wire for securing the different hanging themes.

  • Theme items. Use at least 5 of whatever you choose for your chimes. You want to achieve motion and sound.

  • To achieve maximum sway and chime, you want your glass, pipes, wood, etc.,at least 8" long and the rest graduated in length up in 1" increments.

  • The hanging supports. This bar is at least 8" wide, and thick enough to hold the weight of your theme items. You will drill a hole in it for each hanging item, as well drilling holes on each end (at least 1" in from the ends) for the support wires, those going up to your support for the wind chime. The upper support can be secured to a nail, a wire simply wrapped around a branch or an elaborate support bar, as used for holding flower baskets.

Note: In the case of bamboo pipes, they are usually not hollow. Perhaps this is why their sound is so unique.

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