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Perhaps this information is repetitive, but working with your computer requires positioning and adjustments with regard to it. A few suggestions here, can provide you with less stress and your comfort, take all of these functions into account with regard to your wrist, back, arms, eyes and your feet, it could be most helpful.

· BACK: Adjust your lumbar adjustable control so that your chair is in a position in order to support the natural curvature of your lower spine.

· ARMS: When working with your keyboard, your wrist and should be at the height of your elbow, and arm wrist should support your forearms, with your shoulders relaxed and elbows are at your side.

· Wrist: Your hands and fingers should be in-line with your forearms, and not angled up or down or left or right. Consider a keyboard pad for additional support for the heel of your palm.

· FEET & LEGS: Ideally, your want an inch or two of space between the back of your knees and front of your chair. Your feet should rest flat on the floor or, if necessary, on a foot rest.

· EYES: The monitor screen should be positioned approximately an arm’s length away and the top of the screen should be slightly below eye level.


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