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Why the explosion when lithium batteries catch fire and the attempt to extinguish the fire by means of using water. This is because the water’s reaction with the lithium can produce flammable hydrogen gas, then you encounter a massive explosion

Lithium is a soft, silvery-white, metal that heads group 1, the alkali metals group, of the periodic table of the elements. It reacts vigorously with water. Storing it is a problem.

Which is extremely difficult to extinguish, and then hours of firefighting to bring it under control.

internationally-recognized guidelines adequately address fire extinguishing requirements for this purpose.

Importantly, the appropriate fire extinguishing method will vary depending on the type of lithium battery in question (such as lithium-ion, all-solid-state lithium-ion or lithium polymer).

For standard lithium-ion battery fires, the sprinkling of fine water mist may be used to suppress the fire. On the other hand, experts recommend using specially-designed Class D fire extinguishers for solid-state lithium-metal battery fires – or dry chemical fire extinguishers that are appropriate for electrical fires.

These contain substances, such as sodium chloride powder or pressurized argon, that can combat the challenges posed by solid-state batteries. Sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt, melts to form an oxygen-excluding crust over the fire. Similarly, argon is an inert and non-flammable gas which can help put out fires by suffocating oxygen.

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