1 min readHealthHow about this lean on me assistant? ‘Me and my double use grocery shopping cart’ How about this? A great aid for so many have walking problems as well as that of balance...
6 min readDietSome hard facts: Sugar & ‘You’.The term “Sucrose” is simply the chemical name for sugar, the simple carbohydrate we know and love that is produced naturally in all...
1 min readHealthOuch -– Splinter Removal: Using your tweezers usually works, but for the small ones and hard to get to, reach for three inches of scotch tape...
2 min readHealthVision Loss - RVO!Retina blockage –Pathway blocked Into and out. Thus swelling and thus blurriness. Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is a blockage in a small...
1 min readHealthBicarbonate Who?-Baking Soda: “Sodium bicarbonate” for years used for temporary acid reflex situations. The recommended dosage for adults is one 1/2 tsp....